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Nordic Regulatory Affairs Meeting

19.10.2023 09:00

Live webinar and onsite (Stockholm)

Welcome to Nordic Regulatory Affairs Meeting 2023! Nordic Regulatory Affairs Meeting 2023 brings the Nordic authorities and pharmaceutical industry operators together on the latest news about the hottest topics discussed within Regulatory Affairs.

Looking for the 2024 event? Read more here: Regulatory Affairs 2024


Who should attend?

Professionals with an interest in Regulatory Affairs in the Nordics. We welcome participants from pharmaceutical companies, pharmaceutical industry associations, national competent authorities, contract research organizations, consultants and academia.

Gather Your regulatory team and invest this full day in Your professional development! Meet representatives from the authorities and industry and expand Your Regulatory network within the Nordic region.

Register today!


Agenda and Meeting moderators

Find more information about the agenda and meeting moderators from the "Highlights from the agenda" tab.


Time and venue

The meeting is held Oct 19, 2023 at 09:00 am to 17:05 pm (Swedish time) online and on site at Apotekarsocieteten, Wallingatan 26A in Stockholm.

Most speakers are joining the meeting online and will be on live streaming screen.

Mingle and networking
For participants at site we will wrap up the day together with drinks and snacks 5 pm to 6 pm. (Swedish time) Drinks and snacks are included in the price. Welcome!


Registration and prices

Registration for the Nordic Regulatory Affairs Meeting is done through our partner (Läkemedelsakademin AB) website.

If you want to participate online via streaming, register via this link: Registration - online streaming 

If you want to participate on site in Stockholm, register via this link:  Registration - onsite event Stockholm

Early registration fee until 19th of Sep 2023
4 300 SEK per person
4 000 SEK per person, for group registration for more than 5 participants

Late registration fee from 20th of Sep 2023
5 000 SEK per person 
4 500 SEK per person, for group registration for more than 5 participants

All prices are excl VAT.


Feedback from previous event

”The diversity of topics! It was interesting to get different aspects of the regulatory work in the Nordics/EU”
”Speakers were true experts of the area they were presenting. Really interesting presentations.”
”Interesting, contemporary topics, good speakers, good facilitator”
”The presence of all Nordic authority on one place. Very interesting also to hear about the work of EFPIA to get the high level as well.”

Event time

Starts:   19.10.2023 09:00
Ends:   19.10.2023 17:05

Event location

Live webinar and onsite (Stockholm)

Wallingatan 26A

View larger map and directions

Contact us

ullan-kuva.jpg (88 KB)

Ulla Partanen
Head of Learning Services
+358 9 6150 4973


Sandra Trost
Project Manager
Läkemedelsakademin AB




The meeting is developed by our partner Läkemedelsakademin AB, Sweden.


In cooperation
