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Nordic-Baltic Conference in Pharmacovigilance 2024

Nordic-Baltic Conference in Pharmacovigilance 2024: 8.10.2024 

The program is presented in Helsinki time.

8:30 Registration and light breakfast for on-site participants

9:00 Welcome and opening words
Ouli Uimonen, CEO, Pharmaca Health Intelligence Oy
Anja Isoaho, Training Manager, Pharmaca Health Intelligence Oy
Mia Bengtström, Associate Professor, Åbo Akademi University 

9:10 Risk management including additional risk minimization measures (aRMM)
Moderators: Jukka Pesonen, Director, Drug Safety (QPPV), Orion Pharma and Pauliina Ehlers, Senior Advisor, Pharma Industry Finland

The goal of this session is to explore how the legal framework for additional risk minimization measures (aRMM) is adapted to different local settings, focusing on best practices and challenges. We will discuss how to ensure the effective dissemination of aRMM materials and successful communication of this information. Additionally, we'll compare processes across various countries, including approaches to digital distribution. The session will feature short 5–8 minute presentations from Nordic and Baltic competent authorities, followed by a panel discussion. 

Discussion participants:

Line Michan, Director of Department for Pharmacovigilance, Danish Medicines Agency
André Luong, Senior Advisor, Pharmacovigilance, Norwegian Medical Products Agency NOMA
Jaana Santaholma, Senior Medical Officer, Head of Section, Finnish Medicines Agency Fimea
Rasa Judickienė, Chief Specialist Pharmacovigilance and Poison Information Unit, State Medicines Control Agency of Lithuania
Maia Uusküla, Head of Department of Post-Authorisation Safety, State Agency of Medicines (SAM), Estonia
Liene Luce, Senior Expert, Pharmacovigilance Division, State Agency of Medicines, Latvia 
Ulla Wändel-Liminga, Scientific Director Pharmacovigilance, Medical Products Agency, Sweden

11:00 Lunch and networking

Moderator: Kristine Fonneland, Associate Director, Pharmacovigilance Lead Norway, MSD

12:10 Drug safety and medication safety – two sides of the coin
Anna-Riia Holmström, Assistant Professor, University of Helsinki

12:35 Ecopharmacovigilance and risk management
David J. Lewis, Professor, School of Life and Medical Sciences, University of Hertfordshire

13:10 Felleskatalogen, an excellent side effect search
Bente Cecilie By Jansen, Managing Director, Chief Editor, Felleskatalogen AS

13:35 Coffee and networking

THEME: How to navigate in the Digital world? 

Moderator: Minna Snellman, Pharmacovigilance Lead Finland, MSD

14:10 Use of AI in social media for signal detection
Sandrine Colas, Pharmacoepidemiologist, Sanofi

14:35 DKMA AI project "PHAIR – Pharmacovigilance by AI Real-Time analyses"
Claus Møldrup, Director of Data Analytics Center, DKMA

15:05 Artificial Intelligence, Real-World Automation and the Safety of Medicines 
Andrew Bate, Head of Safety Innovation & Analytics, GSK 

15:50–16:00 End of conference and invitation to the next conference
Mia Bengtström, Associate Professor, Åbo Akademi University 
Anja Isoaho, Training Manager, Pharmaca Health Intelligence Oy

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Anja Isoaho 

Training Manager


+358 9 6150 4973


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